Friday, January 25, 2008

Herding Cats

The brilliant Melissa Lacewell-Harris on the actual economic conditions of African-Americans during the Clinton years or 'ow do you say? I told you so

Peter Gizzi is the new poetry editor at the Nation. This is the best poetry editing of any non-poetry magazine I've seen so far, let alone in a publication dedicated to politics. If only the New Yorker could get it so so right, but I guess then they wouldn't be the New Yorker. Here's one Jack Spicer poems of two in the last issue and an Eileen Myles poem from the current issue.

Brandon Holmquest of Calque, gives David Kirby's lazy, misogynistic review of Cortazar and Dunlop's Autonauts of the Cosmoroute the verbal smack down of all smack downs

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